
The power of protein

The Eatwell Guide encourages us to eat more beans and pulses and eat less red and processed meat such as bacon, cooked ham and continental meats. This will help us shift to more sustainable diets and also means you can get more fibre in your diet and move closer to your 5 a day.

Estimated daily protein requirement

Adults require an estimated daily protein requirement calculated by multiplying their body weight in kg by 0.75g. So for example, a 70kg man will need approx 52.5g of protein per day. In the UK, the average daily protein intake well exceeds our requirements.

There are many different sources of protein such as meat, fish, beans, pulses and eggs. The British Nutrition Foundation recommends that we eat 2-3 portions of protein per day. (see portion size section below).

Plant based protein

Plant based protein such as nuts, beans, pulses and soya are all good sources of protein and can be used in many different recipes.

The portion size of nuts is about 30g (about a handful). They make a great on the go snack or you could chop them up and add them to meals.

Three heaped tablespoons of beans and pulses counts towards 1 of your 5 a day. These are great for adding to curries, stews and casseroles. Check out our Co-op recipes for some ideas.

Tofu and other plant based meat alternatives are really versatile and can be used in lots of dishes.


Fish is also a great source of protein. It’s recommended that we eat at least two portions (a portion is about 140g cooked weight) of responsibly sourced fish a week. This includes one portion of oily fish such as mackerel, herrings, sardines, trout, salmon or pilchards. Oily fish contains Omega 3 which contributes to the normal function of the heart.

There are different varieties of responsibly sourced fish that can be fresh, frozen, or canned. This means they vary nutritionally so it’s best to eat a range which will also help from a sustainability point of view. Check out our Co-op recipes for meal inspiration.


Red meat is a good source of protein but the Department of Health advises that if you eat over 90g red and processed meat per day (cooked weight) then you should cut down to 70g per day. As a visual guide, a 90g portion is approximately three thinly cut slices of beef, lamb or pork, where each slice is about the size of half a piece of sliced bread.


Eggs are a very versatile protein source which can be consumed as part of a meal or snack. Some cooking methods such as frying or scrambling will add additional fat so boiling or poaching are the healthier options. A medium boiled egg will provide approximately 8g of protein.


Cheese is a source of protein. However it’s recommended that a portion size of cheese is 30g (about the size of a small match box) because it can be high in fat. For a healthier alternative, try grating cheese to make it go further or look out for reduced fat cheese versions.